
OHSDA - Empowerment of People in Need


The perception for the formation of the non-governmental organizations in Afghanistan indeed, was a most welcome move, especially under conditions that Afghanistan was engulfed with the most civil war and the country was experiencing a difficult area due to internal instability.

Organization of humanitarian services for development of Afghanistan(OHSDA) is an independent, non-profit, non-political and non-sectarian organization (Afghan National NGO), created at the initiative of a group of Afghan Professionals, registered with Ministry of Economy of Afghanistan under registration number (5578). Since its establishment in OHSDA has been an active contributor toward the empowerment of the Afghan community in various areas and has implemented more than 10 projects throughout Afghanistan.

Our Vision

Our vision is a peaceful Afghanistan where women and men take active and equal part in contributing towards the development and prosperity of their country for a better future for their children.


Our Mission

Assistance and development through community driven and community supported programs and projects towards alleviating poverty and sustainable development by promoting gender equality and women empowerment through well-balanced and sound-designed projects, local shares, awareness campaigns and capacity building.


Our Goals

  1. To launch income generation projects in local communities where under-served communities can become self-sufficient;
  2. To engage communities in the planning and implementation of programs and projects to ensure ownership of both women and men leading to self-reliance;
  3. To improve the economicstatus of deserved people through the initiation of suitable skills and leadership capacity programs;
  4. To participate in the rehabilitation and development of education sector for women and children;
  5. To help people have equitable access to health and education facilities;
  6. To increase the level of knowledge and literacy among the illiterate women and to raise awareness on their rights so they can defend their rights;
  7. To work for the eradication of corporal and physical punishment against women and children in the families and in the society.


Our Mandate

As a voluntary and non-profit NGO, t h e Organization of humanitarian services for development mandate provides the essential guidelines for the Organization’s community development interventions in accordance with its mission.

  • To   carry         out   programmatic  interventions   to   lead   to   community mobilization, empowerment, participation, and local resource mobilization at the grassroots level;
  • To carry out interventions that promote sustainable development practices, gender awareness, poverty alleviation, and human rights aspects;
  • To assist communities in efforts leading to self-help and ultimately self-reliance;
  • In participation with various stakeholders, to support efforts aimed at promoting health and education development and income generating activities for the uplifting of the socio- economic status of communities;
  • To provide support for infrastructure development programs and projects based on the communities’ assessed needs.




The OHSDA strives to save lives, to promote human dignity and to expose and confront oppression. Promote women’s, Youths and Children’s rights in Afghanistan and advocates for a positive social change women’s and Youths have access to justice and they are actively present in social, economic and political spheres of Afghan society.

OHSDA employs a multifaceted approach to achieve its mission and promote positive change in Afghanistan. One key aspect of their strategy involves enhancing the capacity of public institutions. OHSDA works closely with these institutions, tailoring their efforts to align with the specific needs and top priorities identified by each entity. This collaborative approach ensures that public institutions become more effective and responsive to the communities they serve.



In addition to institutional capacity building, OHSDA recognizes the importance of raising awareness and understanding of women's and children's rights among men in both urban centers and rural villages. To accomplish this, OHSDA collaborates with scholars and community leaders. By engaging these influential figures, OHSDA can effectively convey the principles of gender equality and human rights, fostering a more inclusive and equitable society.


Furthermore, OHSDA is deeply committed to the development of the agricultural sector, particularly in rural areas. They provide ongoing assistance to farmers, enabling them to improve their agricultural practices. This support extends to efforts aimed at mechanizing agriculture, which enhances efficiency and productivity. Simultaneously, OHSDA facilitates the creation of market outlets for regional agricultural produce and handicrafts. This approach not only bolsters economic opportunities for farmers but also contributes to the overall sustainability of rural communities.


These funds and contributions go to the following sectors:

  • Comprehensive aid development,
  • Empowering the Afghan men and women through vocational training programs
  • Working for peace and human rights,
  • Strengthening education amongst the people,
  • Improving the status of health system within the country,
  • Building the capacity of women through various developmental programs,
  • Supporting Women’s, youths, children’s rights and providing them with opportunity to improveefficient emergency assistance.

Organization of humanitarian services strives to empower the women to meet their basic needs by providing vocational skills, literacy, and capacity building which directly impacts on their lives and help in poverty alleviation, by achieving the organizational goals; supporting the people with technical and professional staff and capacity of the organization. Since its establishment, OHSDA has been actively engaged in implementing programs and projects supporting women rights and assuring women are actively participating in the development and education sectors. OHSDA has active records and good performance of implementing projects where in majority ofits projects women are in the lead of the overall effort.

Through the years, OHSDA has made significant contributions towards the betterment of Afghan society by engaging in aid development and delivery, women empowerment and women rights, health systems strengthening and education. OHSDA has ensured that the designed and implemented projects with generous donations of various donors have made higher impacts.


Organization of  humanitarian services for development Focus Areas

Women Empowerment and Capacity Development

Income Generation Initiatives

Alternative Livelihood Programs

Cashfor Foodand Cash for Work

Literacy Programs

Women’s rights awareness programs and advocacy


Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS)

Community Health Worker Training and Midwifery

Hygiene Education and Sanitation for Women


Literacy Programs for Women’s and Adults

Accelerated Learning Programs and e-courses

Primary education for illiterate women and children

As part of the income generation projects, OHSDA closely engages with the community and mainly women to identify potential women-led programs and projects including tailoring and embroidery, carpet and rug weaving, home-based agriculture and farming, with the better potential for growth. Given the recent political changes in the country, OHSDA is also exploring venues for providing home-based freelance job opportunities for women who were previously employed.

OHSDA has been working with local communities to identify and implement potential projects in promoting literacy for women and implementing accelerated learning programs in rural areas and e-courses in urban settings. Provisioning of health services to women and children and engaging women in the delivery services in this sector is one of the major focus areas of OHSDA since addressing the current challenges in the sector will not be possible and sustainable without considering the role of Afghan women. While prioritizing the health sector, OHSDA focuses on the Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS), deployment of mobile clinics for health and nutrition, mobilization of community health workers, promotion of hygiene education and sanitation for women and children and delivery of training in midwifery.


OHSDA Key Strengths

Field Operations

Innovative approaches in ensuring rapid and efficient field operation

Data Oriented

Digital data collection and management in every aspect of the project

Technology Driven

Effective and efficient technology considered in organization and projects


Experience and Project Implementation Portfolio


Since its establishment, Organization of humanitarian services has implemented more than 20 projects across Afghanistan. The organization has acquired a diverse set of experiences with the donor community and international implementing partners. Given the overall experience and expertise of OHSDA, it has developed the requisite institutional capacity to implement programs and projects while delivering the required results and quality. All projects have achieved the intended results towards its development objectives as per the goals of each assignment. The completed projects have been successfully implemented and completion certificates of the projects are collected from the donors and partners.


Organizational Structure and Human Resources


Organization of humanitarian services has achieved sustainable and durable results through maintaining a responsive organizational structure and talented management, technical and



Operational Team

The core team of OHSDA strongly believes in its human capital and has a long track record of maintaining qualified staff. Given the recentcircumstances of Afghanistan, OHSDA has been able to retain the cadre and attract additional human resources for successful execution and delivery of the programs and projects. The team believes in transparency and accountability for sound design, implementation and delivery of the projects.

Decision-making Structure

The governance board (Board of Directors) is the superior body of OHSDA, and has the power to make the core decisions within the legislations of Afghanistan and legal framework of OHSDA. The board sets the major policies and directs the organization towards achieving the intended outcomes. The board consists of five members, three honorary members and two OHSDA representatives. Members of the board hold their positions for a term of three years.


Board of Executives is the executive committee that manages and carries on the routine Tasks of the OHSDA. The Boardof Executives ismadeupofthe Executive Director of the organization, the Deputy Director, Program Manager, Finance Manager and HR and Administration Manager. The board of executives is chaired by the Executive Director and reports directly to the board of directors. The board of executives is majorly responsible for the overall execution of the projects and guidance provided by the board of directors. The board of executives conduct weekly internal meetings and major technical, operational and administrative decisions as per the guidance of the Board of Directors are made. In addition, each line manager is responsible for managing the assigned duties within their respective unit within a given timeframe.

As per the terms of reference of each core staff and members of the board of directors, their routine activities are in-line with the overall objectives of the organization to design, implement and deliver efficient projects. The senior management of OHSDA strives to establish good working relations with the local communities, government institutions, donors, implementing partners to achieve the intended results of the programs.

As per the legal framework of OHSDA, the Board of Executives as per the direction of the Board of Directors organizes an annual General Assembly where the OHSDA community along with major stakeholders are invited. General Assembly offers greater platform for connecting with its communities, evaluating organization’s performance and setting its future direction.


OurKey Contact Persons and Offices in Afghanistan

Organization of humanitarian services (OHSDA) has the institutional and operational capacity to implement programs and projects in all provinces of Afghanistan.

Key Contact Persons





Phone Number

Bismillah Qanit

Executive Director

+93 78 50 40 269

Manzoor Ahmad

Deputy Director

+93 730 280 151

Main Office – Kabul



Address: PD4, Gul-e Surkh, Maiwan Plaza, Kabul, Afghanistan, 1001 Email: | Phone: +93 794 8169 34


